Write, Teach, Laugh

Tag: screenwriting

NAB 2015: A Producer’s Guide to Story, Budget, Strategy and Brand with Amy DeLouise

(Originally published on Blogcritics.org) At this year’s National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show, the annual Las Vegas conclave of television, radio, internet and supporting industries, Amy DeLouise set an aggressive goal for her presentation titled: “A Producer’s Guide to Everything That Matters.” Everything? Maybe not, but DeLouise, an award-winning video- and multi-media producer, came pretty…

Alameda Writers Group: Pursuit, Pitfalls and Prizes


(Originally published on Blogcritics.org) Alameda Writers Group (AWG) Co-Presidents Scott and Gail Moss are stalkers. After viewing the filmTouching Home at the Melbourne Independent Filmmakers Festival in Florida, they were so impressed that they hunted down the twin brothers who wrote and directed the film, until they were able to meet them. Friendship ensued. Now,…

Out Loud!

At a recent meeting of a writers group, we were doing table-reads of our screenplays in order to critique and improve our writing. One of the participants was less than enthusiastic, lamenting that this would be better done on a computer before coming to the meeting. So, was he correct? Why do we read out…